
Paperstone is the name of the first ever R package I created, which allows users to play a game of Scissors-Paper-Stone against R. My blog is named after it as a tribute to how this quintessential game is often used as an intro assignment to students in any Programming 101 class.

I'm currently a student in Quantitative Methods, and I hope to share my learnings and love for data science (esp. for social good!) through this blog. Here, I'll document my hobby coding + data analytics projects, mainly focusing on using data science to better understand social and spatial issues. I'm particularly interested in data visualization, spatial data science and web design and hope one day to use these tools to create social impact!

To view all posts, view my Blog, and to search posts by topics, use Tags.

At the end of every post, there is also a link to the relevant Github repo. Please do contact me for any questions/collaborations! I'm always keen to learn more.